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34 posts tagged with "phase_two"

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· 7 min read
Phase Two

Exploring Keycloak as an Alternative to WorkOS for Authentication Solutions

Keycloak and WorkOS are both identity and access management (IAM) solutions that offer various features for authentication, authorization, and user management. While they serve similar purposes, there are key differences between the two platforms that make them unique and suitable for different use cases. Keycloak is an open source platform under active development for over 8 years and known for its scalability and customization options. WorkOS is a closed-source platform that can quickly integrate SSO to an application. In this blog post, we'll explore the key differences between Keycloak and WorkOS, focusing on factors such as cost of ownership, scalability, deployments, and maintenance.

· One min read
Phase Two

An exciting new feature has been added to Phase Two Organizations Extension! Organizations now support shared Identity Providers (IdPs) for mapping multiple organizations to a single IDP. This feature is especially useful for organizations that have multiple organizations that need to share the same IDP.

Often asked for by customers, this feature will now allow organizations to share the same IDP across multiple organizations. This will allow for a more streamlined user experience and easier management of users across multiple organizations. Meaning that admins can still keep organizations logically separated, but support the same IdP for authentication and authorization. The primary use case for this is applications that support both Google social login and Google Workspace enterprise SSO login. Some of our customers had 100's of organizations that used Google Workspace SSO. This change allows you to use a single OIDC integration with Google, rather than configuring 100's of SAML integrations.

Configuration is fully supported in the Keycloak Admin UI, is up-to-date with the latest Keycloak version, and is fully tested. This feature is available now to any Phase Two hosted customers and can be adopted by anyone leveraging the Phase Two Keycloak Organization Extension.

· 8 min read
Phase Two

Exploring Keycloak as an Alternative to Okta for Authentication Solutions

In today's rapidly evolving digital landscape, securing and managing user identities has become more critical than ever. Organizations are faced with the challenge of choosing the right Identity and Access Management (IAM) solution that balances cost, ease of implementation, and robust feature sets. Two popular contenders in this space are Keycloak and Okta. Keycloak, an open-source solution developed by Red Hat, offers extensive customizability and a community-driven support model. On the other hand, Okta, a leading cloud-based IAM provider, promises quick deployment and comprehensive security features through its subscription-based service. In this blog post, we will delve into a detailed comparison of Keycloak and Okta, examining their costs, total cost of ownership, implementation processes, and the rich array of features and capabilities each brings to the table. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, understanding these key differences will help you make an informed decision for your identity management needs.

· 5 min read
Phase Two

Since we first released our (most) popular Keycloak extension, Keycloak Organizations (Orgs) and made it available as open source on Github, the Keycloak maintainers have decided to build into native organization support.

This begs the question? What is different between Keycloak's upcoming organizations feature and the Phase Two Organization Extension?

· 6 min read
Phase Two

Exploring Keycloak as an Alternative to Auth0 for Authentication Solutions

When it comes to implementing authentication and authorization in web applications, Auth0 and Keycloak are two prominent solutions that offer robust security features. While Auth0 is a popular choice for many developers due to its comprehensive, cloud-based platform, Keycloak presents a compelling alternative, especially in terms of cost and flexibility. This blog post will delve into how Keycloak stacks up against Auth0, focusing on cost of ownership, maintenance, and functionality.

· 4 min read
Phase Two

In this article we'll be using Keycloak to quickly secure a SvelteKit application with user management and single sign on (SSO) using the open source IAMs Keycloak for Authentication and Authorization. We will demonstrate the integration by securing a page for logged-in users. This quickly provides a jump-off point to more complex integrations.

· 4 min read
Phase Two

In this article we'll be using Keycloak to quickly secure a Remix application with user management and single sign on (SSO) using the open source IAMs Keycloak for Authentication and Authorization. We will demonstrate the integration by securing a page for logged-in users. This quickly provides a jump-off point to more complex integrations.

· One min read
Phase Two

We recently gave a talk at the Keycloak DevDay 2024 conference in Frankfurt on our Organizations extension which provides single Realm multi-tenancy to Keycloak for modern SaaS applications. The hosts of the conference have posted the video of the talk on Youtube.

Take a look, and try it out today with our free hosted Keycloak instances that run all of our open source Keycloak extensions.

· 2 min read
Phase Two

Keeping your brand consistent across user touch-points is important to modern Saas companies. Just like customizing Login Pages, customizing your email templates is just as important. Keycloak has a number of templates which can be customized.

Keycloak starts out with simple text templates, but unless you like spending your days looking at Unix terminals, you probably prefer some color and images in your emails.