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· 4 min read
Phase Two

With many companies racing into the cloud, very little is written about the huge opportunity, and potential pitfalls of building software for on-prem and private cloud deployments. With the growing Kubernetes and CNCF ecosystems, the balance point to justify self-hosting is constantly shifting. This is great news for companies that must host data and applications inside the enterprise. For software vendors looking to serve this exploding market, authentication can be a blind spot.

A story, inspired by customer use cases:

You’ve built a successful enterprise SaaS product, and your cloud offering has taken off. Recently, you’ve been getting inquiries from government agencies, large companies in regulated industries, and foreign companies – all of which have legal, compliance or regulatory requirements that prohibit them from using your product in the cloud.

Given the size of the opportunity, you’ve decided to go for it. Your team has packaged your application up as a set of Kubernetes manifests, making changes, replacing cloud services with open source alternatives, and even built out a runbook to help your devops peers at the customer operate it themselves.

The big day comes, and you’re installing at your first customer. You expect that there will be some minor bumps along the way, but their first question just flattens you: “How do we connect this to our in-house identity provider?” It was a question that was never on your radar, but now it’s the most important thing for the customer.

Like most SaaS companies, you’re probably either hand-rolling your authentication and user management using something like Passport.js, Devise, Django, etc., using some social login options, or using a cloud-only service like Auth0 or WorkOS. If you had implemented SAML, the most common protocol for just-in-time user provisioning with enterprise identity providers, you probably went for a basic approach. You wrongly assumed that user management and identity brokering would be easier for on-prem.

You throw some engineering and customer success resources at the problem, but quickly realize it’s not a scalable solution. The customer wants to map their groups, and manage access and authorization through their IdP. Just the overhead of connecting to every possible type of IdP, and supporting that for every customer, will eat up your margin before they start using your application.

· 7 min read
Phase Two

In today's digital landscape, managing user identities and securing access to applications and services is paramount for businesses of all sizes. As the demand for robust identity and access management (IAM) solutions grows, so does the market, with various commercial options vying for attention. When we first started using Keycloak over 7 years ago, we were surprised that there was a relatively unknown, but completely open-source alternative to commercial offerings in the Identity and Access Management market.

· 6 min read
Phase Two

Keycloak Phase Two CockroachDb Logos

Keycloak has been a leader in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) world since its launch almost 9 years ago. The market for IAM tools had several commercial offerings that failed to meet many business model and price needs, and Keycloak filled the hole with an open-source offering.

Fast-forward to today, Keycloak still leads with mature protocol implementations, hardened security, and a reliable architecture that has been battle-tested for years, under the stewardship of the maintainers at Red Hat. Whether deploying an in-house identity provider, or a user management system for a SaaS offering, Keycloak is an obvious choice.

· One min read
Phase Two

In this article we'll be using Keycloak to quickly secure a Vue application with user management and single sign on (SSO) using the open source IAMs Keycloak for Authentication and Authorization. We will demonstrate the integration by securing a page for logged-in users. This quickly provides a jump-off point to more complex integrations.

· 8 min read
Phase Two

In this article we'll be using Keycloak to quickly secure a Nuxt application with user management and single sign on (SSO) using the open source IAMs Keycloak for Authentication and Authorization. We will demonstrate the integration by securing a page for logged-in users. This quickly provides a jump-off point to more complex integrations.

· 4 min read
Phase Two

In this article we'll be using Keycloak to to quickly secure a Next.js application with user management and single sign on (SSO) using the open source IAMs Keycloak for Authentication and Authorization. We will demonstrate the integration by securing a page for logged-in users. This quickly provides a jump-off point to more complex integrations.

· 3 min read
Phase Two

In this article we'll be using Keycloak to quickly augment an application with user management and single sign on (SSO) using the open source Identity and Access Management System (IAM) Keycloak for Authentication and Authorization. We will demonstrate the integration by securing a page for logged-in users. This quickly provides a jump-off point to more complex integrations.

· 4 min read
Phase Two

We're excited today to announce the launch of our dedicated clusters offering. Our Phase Two enhanced Keycloak distribution is now available as a hosted, dedicated cluster in the region of your choice.

About 9 months ago, we launched our self-service, shared deployments, offering customers the ability to create Phase Two enhanced Keycloak realms on our shared clusters. Over that period, we've provided over 700 free realms for testing and small production use cases. Many of you have reached out to us asking about an SLA, isolated resources, and ability to grow into larger use cases. Based on your requests and feedback, we built out our dedicated cluster offering.

· 3 min read
Phase Two

Brand is important to modern SaaS companies, and nowhere is that more apparent than at the front door: the login experience. Unfortunately, the default design of the Keycloak login experience has a "face only a mother could love".

In order to allow customers to customize that experience, we've extended the default Keycloak theming functionality to allow you to easily customize the login pages from the admin console. This eliminates the need to package and deploy a custom theme, and allows fast iteration without restart.