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· 6 min read

Keycloak Phase Two CockroachDb Logos

Keycloak has been a leader in the Identity and Access Management (IAM) world since its launch almost 9 years ago. The market for IAM tools had several commercial offerings that failed to meet many business model and price needs, and Keycloak filled the hole with an open-source offering.

Fast-forward to today, Keycloak still leads with mature protocol implementations, hardened security, and a reliable architecture that has been battle-tested for years, under the stewardship of the maintainers at Red Hat. Whether deploying an in-house identity provider, or a user management system for a SaaS offering, Keycloak is an obvious choice.

With time, customer needs have evolved to include greater resiliency, expanded database selection, deploying in multiple regions, and operating across clouds. Because of operational complexity and architectural barriers, the Keycloak team decided to embark on a project to build a new underlying storage architecture. While promising, the project has taken longer than expected, and has yet to produce a production-ready result.

One of the great aspects of open source, is that it allows anyone to participate. About 18 months ago, Phase Two decided to implement support for CockroachDB for the existing storage architecture in order to meet this growing customer demand.

Remind me, what is Phase Two?

Phase Two helps SaaS builders accelerate time-to-market and enterprise adoption with powerful SSO, identity and user management features. To that end, Phase Two has created an enhanced distribution of Keycloak that bundles several essential open source extensions for modern SaaS use cases. Phase Two supports hosted and on-premise customers for a variety of use cases.

How we built support for CockroachDB

We eagerly dove into the challenge of adding CockroachDB support, but we quickly encountered a few key issues:

1. SQL

Keycloak internally uses the Hibernate ORM framework, which generates the SQL for the database type selected (called a "dialect" by them). Fortunately for us, the Cockroach Labs team had already built a custom CockroachDB Hibernate dialect that we were able to use without modification.

2. Migrations

The Liquibase library is used by Keycloak for tracking, managing, and applying database schema changes. However, the authors had not anticipated adding support for entirely new database types without making code changes. We had to add CRDB, the Hibernate dialect, and the correct JDBC driver classes to the code to enable first-class support.

We ported the migrations that were incompatible with CRDB. This was required because of a few SQL semantics that are not supported in CRDB the same way they are in PostgreSQL.

3. Transactions

Because CRDB uses serializable isolation by default, it was incompatible with Keycloak's use of distributed ("XA") or two-phase commit ("JTA") transaction managers. However, because the use of these is not necessary outside of an environment where other applications are using the same resources, it was possible to disable them. The Keycloak team was helpful in adding some environment variables to disable these, as they had also seen other database use cases that required it.

4. An Incredible Team

It also wouldn't have been possible to complete the changes without tireless support from the Cockroach Labs engineering team. They patiently helped us understand how CRDB is different, wrote code examples and tests, and were never shy about giving us access to everyone in the organization, regardless of level and how busy they were.

A HUGE thank you to the whole Cockroach team!

How does it work?

About 12 months ago, we launched our self-service, free product, built on our CRDB port and running on Cockroach Labs' managed serverless product. Over that period, we've provided over 900 free deployments, without a single production incident for both CockroachDB serverless and Phase Two enhanced Keycloak.

Furthermore, we've built out a test system that we run prior to releasing new versions in order to ensure that there are no regressions compared to the main Keycloak distributions. We run that test system and several benchmarks prior to releasing each new version of our fork.

Why is this important now?

The Keycloak team had embarked on an ambitious project over 2 years ago to completely overhaul the storage architecture. The so-called "map store" was designed, among other things, to provide a basis for high-availability by replicating data with multiple data centers. However, after that time period, there was still a lot of uncertainty and risk involved in getting to the point where the store was production ready. Thus the team decided to drop the project. See the announcement.

That leaves Phase Two's CRDB support in a unique position, as it is the only version of Keycloak that will support Cockroach's multi-region database.

Take me to it!

We get it! Here are a few links to help you jump-start your work:

1. Managed Hosting

Phase Two provides self-service deployments of Keycloak hosted on multiple clouds. Plans start with a free version for testing and small production use cases. Dedicated clusters are available for customers requiring an SLA, isolated resources, and the ability to grow into larger use cases.

The database tier for our shared and dedicated clusters uses the CockroachDB serverless service. Working with Cockroach Labs gives us the expertise and reliability of hosting thousands of customer clusters at a massive scale.

2. Community Distribution

If you're more DIY, and you're planning to run everything yourself, the base distribution image that contains our changes to Keycloak to enable CockroachDB support is available in the Phase Two Keycloak CockroachDB docker repository. It's a drop-in replacement for Keycloak that doesn't require much configuration beyond the official guides. We generally release a version within 1-2 days of the official Keycloak release.

For the impatient, we've also put together a complete docker compose example that includes a single node CockroachDB instance. You can also modify the configuration to use your own CockroachDB dedicated or serverless database.

The Future

Keycloak on CRDB

Because of the uncertainty around the direction of the Keycloak storage architecture, Phase two is committed to maintaining support for the "legacy store" and our port to CRDB for the long term.

Phase Two and Cockroach Labs

Many of our on-premise, support customers with large use cases asked us to build out a solution for massive-scale, fault-tolerant, multi-region use cases. One of the great parts of building support for Keycloak's existing storage architecture for CRDB is that we've been able to explore use cases that were previously impossible using the standard Keycloak distribution. For use cases with these requirements, plus global proximity to users and regional failover, we built global clusters, backed by CRDB multi-region database, for which we are now in Beta.

We're excited to see what you build with Keycloak and CRDB!

· 4 min read

We're excited today to announce the launch of our dedicated clusters offering. Our Phase Two enhanced Keycloak distribution is now available as a hosted, dedicated cluster in the region of your choice.

About 9 months ago, we launched our self-service, shared deployments, offering customers the ability to create Phase Two enhanced Keycloak realms on our shared clusters. Over that period, we've provided over 700 free realms for testing and small production use cases. Many of you have reached out to us asking about an SLA, isolated resources, and ability to grow into larger use cases. Based on your requests and feedback, we built out our dedicated cluster offering.

What is Phase Two again?

Phase Two helps SaaS builders accelerate time-to-market and enterprise adoption with powerful SSO, identity and user management features. To that end, Phase Two has created an enhanced distribution of Keycloak that bundles several essential open source extensions for modern SaaS use cases. We support hosted and on-prem customers for a variety of use cases.

Why dedicated?

Dedicated clusters allow us to provide compute, network and storage isolation for customer workloads, and to easily deploy in the region where customer's users are. With dedicated clusters, we can guarantee an SLA that meets customer's needs with no resource contention from other customers.

Furthermore, it allows us to support customer-provided domain names, and access to monitoring and management capabilities not available in the shared clusters.

How did you do it?

We built out our dedicated cluster offering using the best-of-breed open source tools and managed services.

The core consists of Kubernetes clusters in each supported AWS and GCP region. New dedicated clusters are provisioned instantly using FluxCD, a continuous delivery solution that gives us the history and auditability of git. Monitoring and alerting is done using Prometheus, Grafana, and a suite of external services that give us a complete view of cluster health.

The database tier uses a managed CockroachDB service provided by Cockroach Labs. Phase Two is the only provider that is capable of hosting the current Keycloak distribution (the "legacy" store) using CockroachDB. Working with Cockroach Labs gives us the expertise and reliability from hosting thousands of customer clusters at massive scale.

Take me to it!

Starting today, you'll be able to log into the updated dashboard, and create your dedicated cluster by selecting a region and setting up your billing information.

Keycloak Phase Two Self-Host Cluster Creation

Following successful billing setup, you will be returned to the Dashboard while your Cluster is provisioned. Once provisioned, you'll be able to create up to 20 realms per cluster, using the same easy setup as you are used to in the shared deployment offering.

Keycloak Phase Two Self-Host Cluster Creation Status

Most clusters will be provisioned within 30 minutes, but some requests may take up to 24 hours. Additionally, for payment types such as ACH or SEPA, cluster provisioning will begin following payment clearing (up to 4 days in some cases).

How much does it cost?

Plans start at $499US per month when paid annually. This provides a set of compute, network and storage resources that have been tested for common use cases for up to 20 realms and 1 million users. If your use case is uncommon or you plan to scale beyond that, our system is designed to scale up with your needs. Our plans scale linearly with resource demands beyond our minimums.

We will continue to support a robust Free tier.

What's next? (psst... Global clusters)

Many of our on-prem, suppport customers with large use cases asked us to build out a solution for massive-scale, fault-tolerant, multi-region use cases. One of the great parts of building support for Keycloak's existing storage system for CockroacDB is that we've been able to explore use cases that were previously impossible using the standard Keycloak distribution, or required complex, error-prone configurations. For use cases with these requirements, plus global proximity to users and regional failover, we built global clusters, backed by CockroachDB multi-region database, for which we are now in beta.

These clusters provide a minimum of 3 global regions, with 3 instances of Phase Two enhanced Keycloak per region. Global server load balancing provides geographic region affinity and failover to connect your users with the closest, available instances.

There will be two price tiers for global clusters, depending on your use of our shared CockroachDB clusters, or your own dedicated clusters. We expect to launch general availability of global clusters later in Q3 2023.

Please contact to talk to us about your global cluster use case.

· 2 min read

We've been pretty quiet over the summer. Since we released the Organizations and Magic Link extensions and open sourced them, there has been a lot of interest in using Phase Two.

We were flattered by the inbound interest, but our small team wasn't able to keep up with demand for trial accounts. Rather than scramble against that demand, we opted to pause new accounts, and instead build a self-service tool to allow anyone to quickly provision a new deployment a try it out.

Today we're announcing the beta launch of the Phase Two Self-service deployment tool. This tool allows you to easily create new deployments of the Phase Two enhanced version of Keycloak in our secure, highly-available clusters. In the future, it will also allow you to deploy dedicated instances that use your own database.

Take a look at how easy it is to get started:

The clusters that run our deployments are available in two regions (AWS, us-west-2 and eu-central-1), and are backed by CockroachDB, giving you scale, resilience and low-latency performance. In the future, clusters and dedicated instances will be available in other regions based on demand.

We hope you find this new tool valuable, and we look forward to feedback and participation from both our customers and the wider Keycloak community.