📄️ Import identity provider from uploaded JSON file
Import identity provider from uploaded JSON file
📄️ Get identity providers for this organization
Get identity providers for this organization
📄️ Create a new identity provider for this organization
Create a new identity provider for this organization
📄️ Link an existing identity provider to this organization
Link an existing identity provider to this organization
📄️ Unlink an existing and linked identity provider from this organization
Unlink an existing and linked identity provider from this organization
📄️ Get identity provider for this organization by alias
Get identity provider for this organization by alias
📄️ Update identity provider for this organization by alias
Update identity provider for this organization by alias
📄️ Delete the identity provider
Delete the identity provider
📄️ Get mappers for identity provider
Get mappers for identity provider
📄️ Add a mapper to identity provider
Add a mapper to identity provider
📄️ Get mapper by id for the identity provider
Get mapper by id for the identity provider
📄️ Update a mapper for the identity provider
Update a mapper for the identity provider
📄️ Delete a mapper for the identity provider
Delete a mapper for the identity provider