📄️ Get organizations
Get a paginated list of organizations using optional search query parameters.
📄️ Create a new organization
Create a new organization
📄️ Get organizations count
Get a count of organizations using an optional search query.
📄️ Get orgs and roles for authenticated user
Get a list of all organizations that the user is a member and their roles in those organizations. Similar idea to /userinfo in OIDC.
📄️ Get organization by id
Get organization by id
📄️ Update this organization by id
Update this organization by id
📄️ Delete the organization
Delete the organization
📄️ Create a link for the organization's admin portal
Create a link for this organizations admin portal. This link encodes an action token on behalf of the organization's default admin user, or the user that is optionally specified in this request. The user specified must be a member of this organization, and have full organization admin roles.